Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cataclysm Approaches!

I have been doing lots and lots of mining recently, over 6 hours worth yesterday, and I have gotten bored of the regular Wintergrasp route, and sick and tired of botters. So I decided to check out the prices of some herbs, skins, and ores that I could gather that have jumped in price due to low supply. I discovered that things like Khorium, and Iron are selling very well right now as far as mining goes, and any herbs not found in Northrend are terrifyingly overpriced, but people will still buy them, allowing for HUGE profits.

Some of you may be thinking, Aggorof you darn Cow, quit dragging on and tell us what to do to make moneyz, well fine I will! Check the prices of low level herbs on your server (I suggest looking at Kingsblood, Khadgar's Whisker, and Plaguebloom, but do not only look at those, they just seem to be the biggest money makers on my server)

One of the beauties of picking these low level herbs, is that you can get your herbalism to the level for picking them within a few hours easily, meaning if you are a lower level, or do not have the profession, you can get to the level quickly and easily, and make gold on the way.

Alright now for you miners out there, again, check out the prices of these low-mid level ores (Truesilver, Mithril, Iron, and Khorium are the ones I find the best money in) and hop on that dusty old mount of yours that can't fly, and wander around the areas of Azeroth you have not visited in a long time, and mine and pick, and mine, and pick, mail mined and picked items, and continue to mine and pick.

This offers large amounts of money for many reasons, with Cataclysm approaching, people are holding off on leveling brand new alts because of the changes to be brought in Cataclysm they want to see, so not many players leveling through these old zones are there to pick herbs, mine, and keep supply up. Also because of the approach of Cataclysm, lazy folks with plenty of gold will be power leveling professions before, or on launch of the expansion, so you really want to put yourself in the position of being the main supplier to these people.

Good luck and may the heavens rain gold down upon you (or the auction house, either way is fine)

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